Debates in 6 years


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Every Veritas Dumb Ox Debate Ever

and who won...

This House Believes That Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers Should Not Be Used On This Campus

February 4th, 2024
Gentile Gallery
Attendance: 130
Affirming: 75
Opposing: 9
Abstaining: 1

Mr. Caleb Haskell and Mr. Michael Murray Affirming the motion.
Mr. Ian Hoover and Ms. Hope Sirilla opposing  the motion. 
Chair: Peter Sammons


This House Believes That Household Lord’s Days Should Be Abolished

October 22nd, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Attendance: 190
Affirming: 46
Opposing: 32
Abstaining: 7

Presenters: Mr. Ian Jaskolka and Mr. Joseph Prendergast affirming the motion.
Mr. Luke Barnes and Mr. Jared Johnson opposing the motion. 
Chair: Peter Sammons


This House Believes That Catholic Teaching Allows For Belief In Aliens

September 10th, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Attendance: 105
Affirming: 32
Opposing: 21
Abstaining: 1

Mr. Henry Sanders and Ms. Hope Sirilla affirming the motion.
Mr. Jake Smith and Ms. Caroline Racca opposing the motion.
Chair: Peter Sammons


This House Believes That The Creation Of Artificial Intelligence Should Be Shut Down Now

April 23rd, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 37
Opposing: 22
Abstaining: 1

Mr. Peter Sammons and Mr. Patrick Uhlenkott affirming the motion.
Ms. Faith Sirilla and Mr. Kurtis Streumke opposing the motion.
Chair: Sophia Charron.


This House Believes That You Should Not Let Your Kids Read Harry Potter

March 26th, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Attendance: 200
Affirming: 68
Opposing: 53
Abstaining: 11

Mr. Clement Harrold and Ms. Faith Sirilla affirming the motion.
Mr. Jared Johnson and Ms. Maria Sammons opposing the motion.
Chair: Peter Sammons. 

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This House Believes That The Current Theories of Human Evolution ARE Compatible With Catholic Beliefs

February 26th, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Attendance: 130
Affirming: 25
Opposing: 33
Abstaining: 10

Mr. John Cummings and Mr. Francesco Pinque affirming the motion.
Mr. Joe Prendergast and Mr. Wyatt Singleton opposing the motion.
Chair: Jared Johnson. 

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This House Believes That Labor Unions Generally Serve The Common Good

February 15th, 2023
Chesterton & Co. Cigar Lounge
Affirming: 8
Opposing: 6
Abstaining: 2

Mr. Andrew Vandeveer and Mr. Henry Sanders affirming the motion.
Mr. Peter Sammons opposing the motion.
Chair: Faith Sirilla


This House Believes That Billionaires Should Be Allowed To Exist

January 29th, 2023
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 56
Opposing: 21
Abstaining: 4

Mr. Matt Hennig and Mr. Paul Ward affirming the motion.
Mr. Alex Denley and Mr. Henry Sanders opposing the motion
Chair: Peter Sammons

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This House Believes That Guys and Girls Cannot Be Close Platonic Friends

December 4th, 2022
Gentile Gallery
Charity Debate
Affirming: $36
Opposing: $21

Mr. Nathan Burt and Miss Brigid Ambuul affirming the motion.
Mr. Peter Sammons and Mr. Caleb Haskell opposing the motion.
Chair: Francesco Pinque


This House Believes That Capital Punishment Is Always Impermissible

October 23rd, 2022
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 20
Opposing: 45

Mr. Travis Mistry and Mr. Henry Sanders affirming the motion.
Mr. Joseph Prendergast and Mr. Francesco Pinque opposing the motion.
Chair: Peter Sammons


This House Believes That Transgenderism is Good For Society

October 2nd, 2022
Gentile Gallery
Devil's Advocate Debate
Affirming: 0
Opposing: 30
Abstaining: 10

Mr. Caleb Rider and Mr. Vinnie Prezzia affirming the motion.
Mr. Jared Johnson and Miss Magdalena Kyne opposing the motion. 
Chair: Peter Sammons


This House Believes That Thomism Should Be The Philosophy of a Catholic University

March 27th, 2022
Gentile Gallery
Colloquium with Chester-Belloc Society
Affirming: 25
Opposing: 20

Mr. Joshua Forbes and Mr. Anthony Accurso affirming the motion.
Mr. Francesco Pinque and Miss Brigit Whoriskey opposing the motion.
Chair: Jared Johnson


This House Believes that Catholics Should Not Invest In The Stock Market

February 9th, 2022
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 37
Opposing: 60
Abstaining: 5

Mr. William Bednars and Mr. Alex Denley affirming the motion.
Dr. Michael Welker and Mr. Kurtis Strumke opposing the motion.
Chair: Francesco Pinque

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This House Believes that the Lack of Dating On Campus Is More Due To Standoffish Females than Immature Males

November 21st, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Charity Debate
Affirming: $164
Opposing $174

Presenters: Mr. Nate Lamansky and Miss Brigit Ambuul affirming the motion.
Mr. Nathan Burt and Miss Emilia Degroat opposing the motion. 
Chair: Alex Denley

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This House Believes That Restricting the Latin Mass Promotes Church Unity

October 10th, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 22
Opposing: 143
Abstaining: 13

Mr. Reuben Slife and Mr. Alex Denley affirming the motion.
Mr. Eric Sammons and Miss Hadley Adair opposing the motion.
Chair: Maria Sammons

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This House Believes that Lying is Always Impermissible

September 19th, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 75
Opposing: 33
Abstaining: 1

Dr. Michael Sirilla and Miss Tori Swanner affirming the motion.
Mr. Nathan Burt and Miss Faith Sirilla opposing the motion. 
Chair: Alex Speildenner

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This House Believes That Franciscan’s Academic Culture Is Not Excellent

April 18th, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 44
Opposing: 36
Abstaining: 8

Mr. Nicholas Larkins and Mr. David Hahn affirming the motion.
Mr. Alex Spieldenner and Mr. Alex Denley opposing the motion.
Chair: Clem Harrold

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This House Believes That Wearing A Mask Is A Virtuous Act Of Obedience

March 21st, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 10
Opposing: 138
Abstaining: 8

Mr. Daniel Gonzalez and Mr. John Macdonald affirming the motion.
Miss Lucy Sammons and Mr. Paul Denley opposing the motion.
Chair: Jared Johnson

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This House Believes That The American Experiment Has Failed

February 21st, 2021
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 40
Opposing: 48
Abstaining: 6

Mr. Jared Johnson and Miss Saralynn Nelson affirming the motion.
Mr. Alex Mckenna and Mr. Joshua Shutte opposing the motion. 
Chair: Alex Spieldenner

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This House Dares Hope That All Men Are Saved

November 21st, 2020
Finnegan Fieldhouse
Affirming: 7
Opposing: 79
Abstaining: 2

Mr. Alex Denley and Mr. Alex Spieldenner affirming the motion.
Mr. Athanasius Sirilla and Mr. Clement Harrold opposing the motion. 
Chair: Kurtis Strumke


This House Believes That Your Household Doesn’t Deserve To Exist

October 25th, 2020
Finnegan Fieldhouse
Charity Debate - $919 raised for AIM

Mr. Riley Brooks and Miss Heather Kamataris affirming the motion.
Mr. Allesandro D'anselmi and Mr. David Hahn opposing the motion.
Chair: Mr. Clement Harrold.

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This House Believes That Faithful Catholics Must Vote For Trump In The Upcoming Election

October 11th, 2020
Finnegan Fieldhouse
Affirming: 120
Opposing: 40
Abstaining: 10

Miss Ailein Cassilas and Mr. Alex Mckenna affirming the motion.
Mr. Garrett Wolfe and Mr. Luke Orsay opposing the motion.
Chair: Alex Spieldenner

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This House Believes That You Should Delete Your Instagram

September 20th, 2020
Finnegan Fieldhouse
Affirming: 70
Opposing: 61
Abstaining: 5

Mr. Nicholas Larkins and Miss Justine Smykowski affirming the motion.
Mr. Jacob Schmeising and Miss Bridit Christensen. 
Chair: Kurtis Strumke


This House Believes That American Capitalism Undermines The Catholic View Of Society

March 1st, 2020
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 45
Opposing: 44
Abstaining: 10

Presenters: Mr. Alex Denley and Miss Bethany Muczynski affirming the motion. 
Professor Joseph Zoric and Miss Aileen Casillas opposing the motion.
Chair: Nicholas Larkins

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The House Believes That Darwinian Evolution Is The Best Explanation For The Diversification Of Life On Earth

February 16th, 2020
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 87
Opposing: 66
Abstaining: 27

Dr. Derek Doroski and Miss Marguerite Stonier affirming the motion.
Dr. John Bergsma and Mr. Amedeo Da Pra opposing the motion. 
Chair: Alex Denley

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This House Believes That European Culture Is Superior To American Culture

November 25th, 2019
The Keller, Austria
Affirming: 17
Opposing: 45
Abstaining: 13

Mr. Joshua Fibelman and Mr. Andrew Lyons affirming the motion.
Mr. Clement Harrold and Miss Alicia Winters opposing the motion. 
Chair: David Willey


This House Believes That The Crisis In The Church Is Due To Modernizing The Church

November 19th, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 70
Opposing: 26
Abstaining: 46

Mr. Nate Lamansky and Mr. Bruce Dexter affirming the motion.
Miss Bianca Klapperich and Mr. Peter Flaherty.
Chair: Alex Denley

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This House Believes That Homeschooling Is Inferior To Traditional Schooling

October 20th, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 73
Opposing: 97
Abstaining: 15

Dr. Matthew Breuninger and Miss Emma Vansuch affirming the motion. 
Dr. Sarah Wear and Miss Theresa Uhlenkott opposing the motion.
Chair: Michael Araps

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This House Believes That Assault Weapons Should Be Banned In The U.S.

September 29th, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 12
Opposing: 116

Miss Theresa Bova and Mr. Michael Araps affirming the motion.
Mr. Adam Nettina and Mr. Alex Mckenna opposing the motion.
Chair: Nicholas Larkins

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This House Believes That Praise And Worship Music Should Have A Place In The Liturgy

April 14th, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 45
Opposing: 39
Abstaining: 9

Miss Prudence Robertson and Mr. Conall Hughes affirming the motion. 
Miss Edyta Wolk and Mr. Zachary Hamar opposing the motion. 
Chair: Daniel McNichol.

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This House Believes That The Lack Of Dating On Campus Is Due More To Standoffish Females Than To Immature Males

March 31st, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Charity Debate (total: $827)
Affirming: $169
Opposing: $264
Abstaining: $30

Miss Emma Vansuch and Mr. Kyle Aubert affirming the motion. 
Mr. William Muraski and Miss Therese Bova opposing the motion.
Chair: Clem Harrold

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This House Believes That The Catholic Church Is NOT A Force For Good

March 21st, 2019
Fireside Lounge
Devil's Advocate Debate
Affirming: 8
Opposing: 15
Abstaining: 9

Mr. Alex Denley, Mr. Nicholas Larkins, and Mr. John Selle affirming the motion.
Mr. David Hahn, Miss Heather Kamataris, and Mr. Clement Harrold opposing the motion. 
Chair: Daniel McNichol


This House Believes That The First Amendment Undermines The Catholic View Of Church And State

February 17th, 2019
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 48
Opposing: 28
Abstaining: 11

Dr. William Newton and Mr. Athanasius Sirilla affirming the motion. 
Miss Carrie Perham opposing the motion.
Chair: Paul Denley

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This House Believes That Trump’s Approach To Immigration Is Not In Line With Catholic Values

December 2nd, 2018
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 46
Opposing: 39
Abstaining: 30

Professor Joseph Zoric and Mr. Alex Mckenna affirming the motion. 
Mr. Jeremiah Poff and Miss Marissa Eckelkamp opposing the motion. 
Chair: Clem Harrold

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This House Believes That Evolution is Opposed to Catholic Teaching

November 26th, 2018
The Keller, Austria
The Motion Failed


This House Believes That The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished In The United States

October 29th, 2018
The Keller, Austria
The Motion Failed


This House Believes That Democracy Is The Best Form Of Government

October 21st, 2018
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 40
Opposing: 15
Abstaining: 20

Dr. Alex Plato and Miss Heather Kamataris affirming the motion.
Dr. Theodore Harwood and Mr. Alessandro D’Anselmi opposing the motion. 
Chair: Paul Denley


This House Believes That The Catholic Church Is Not A Force For Good

October 11th, 2018
Fireside Lounge
Devil's Advocate Debate
Affirming: 4
Opposing: 8
Abstaining: 2

Mr. Daniel McNichol and Miss Sydni Cain affirming the motion. 
Mr. Clement Harrold and Mr. Amedeo Da Pra opposing the motion. 
Chair: John Selle


This House Believes That Recreational Marijuana Should Be Legal In All 50 States

September 30th, 2018
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 34
Opposing: 62
Abstaining: 17

Dr. Matthew Breuninger and Mr. Dylan Sherman affirming the motion. 
Dr. Kyle Mckenna and Miss Ava Montes opposing the motion.
Chair: John Paul Boudreaux

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This House Believes That Traditional Marriage Roles Are Ideal

April 22nd, 2018
Gentile Gallery
Affirming: 46
Opposing: 25
Abstaining: 9

Dr. Alex Plato and Mr. David Willey affirming the motion.
Dr. Sarah Wear and Mr. Nicholas Larkins opposing the motion.
Chair: Clem Harrold


This House Believes That Homeschooling Is The Best Form of Education For Catholic Families In The United States Today

March 22nd, 2018
Fireside Lounge
Affirming: 13
Opposing: 17
Abstaining: 6

Miss Ava Montes and Mr. Nicholas Larkins affirming the motion.
Mr. Alessandro D’Anselmi and Mr. David Hahn opposing the motion.
Chair: Daniel McNichol


This House Believes That The Death Penalty Ought to Be Opposed in America Today

March 1st, 2018
Fireside Lounge
Affirming: 11
Opposing: 16
Abstaining: 5

Miss Eloisa Gutierrez and Mr. Alex Denley affirming the motion.
Mr. David Willey and Mr. Athanasius Sirilla opposing the motion.
Chair: Clem Harrold



Stats are fun

Most Times Presenting

Alex Denley (9)
Nicholas Larkins (5)
Clement Harrold (5)
David Hahn (4)
Alex Mckenna (4)


Most Times Chair

Clement Harrold (6)
Peter Sammons (4)
Daniel McNichol (3)
Alex Spieldenner (3)


Highest Vote Totals

1. This House Believes That Restricting The Latin Mass Promotes Church Unity
Opposing - 143

2. This House Believes That Wearing A Mask Is A Virtuous Sign Of Obedience
Opposing - 138

3. This House Believes That Faithful Catholics Must Vote For Trump In The Upcoming Election
Affirming - 120